- Firearms
- Parts & Accessories
- Cases
- Arsenal Custom Shop
- Apparel
Please note that we do not directly sell firearms to consumers. Our extensive range of products is available through authorized retailers and dealers nationwide. You can find our offerings with online retailers or at your local firearm retailer/dealer.
In the event that your local retailer does not currently stock the Arsenal products you desire, kindly request them to place an order for you through one of our trusted distributors. For your convenience, we have provided a list of Preferred Retailers below.
Preferred Retail Outlets
K-VAR Corp.
Online Retailer
Las Vegas, Nevada
Tel.: 1 702 364 8880
Fax: 1 702 307 2303
Email: sales@k-var.com
Are you interested in becoming a Preferred Retailer? If you are already a retailer carrying Arsenal products and are partnered with one or more of our Distributors, please reach out to marketing@arsenalinc.com. We'll provide you with details about our Preferred Retailer Program and guide you on how to be featured on our website.
Thank you for your support and commitment to the Arsenal brand. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you through our network of reputable retailers and dealers.